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* ORMTA members are qualified educators who have passed rigorous testing in both practical and theoretical subjects.    


* Teachers must have pedagogical training in the subject area of instruction.  ORMTA teachers must demonstrate their success in teaching by submitting results from Conservatory examinations or Music Festival adjudications


* Students are permitted to be taught a musical instrument during school hours, provided that the lessons do not exceed one half-day per week (21[2e] of Part II [School Attendance] of the Province of Ontario's Education Act 1990).


* ORMTA members give instruction to students who are successful in obtaining school credit for practical examinations. See more details at the Province of Ontario, Ministry of Education.


* Only students of ORMTA members are:

  • eligible to participate in ORMTA recitals and competitions

  • eligible to receive ORMTA scholarships, including those given by ORMTA at the Kiwanis Music Festival

* ORMTA promotes and sponsors workshops , recitals, masterclasses and an annual competition.


 © Copyright 2022, ORMTA Ottawa Region Branch

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