Maria Lobo, Convenor
"ORMTA Ottawa celebrates Canada Music Week with a recital of students of ORMTA teachers performing Canadian music. This event features a wide spectrum of ages, levels and instruments and is an opportunity for young musicians to share Canadian music with each other as well as their friends and family. If your student or child has never participated in the Canada Music Week Recital, why not join us in this exciting event?"
Canada Music Week® is an initiative of the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Associations (CFMTA) of which ORMTA is a member organization.
Aims of Canada Music Week®
Bring to the attention of the public, through various means, the importance of Canadian music.
Support composers and performers of Canadian music.
Introduce contemporary music to young Canadians and stimulate a keener appreciation and understanding of this music.
Encourage music educators to widen their knowledge and experience of Canadian works.
The registration for Canada Music Week Recital 2024 is now open.
Deadline for registration: Saturday, October 26, 2024
Audition date: Sunday, November 10, 2024: 1.30 – 4 pm at Ottawa Pianos, 1412 Bank St.
Recital date: Saturday, November 23, 2024: 2.30 pm at Bethany Baptist Church, 382 Centrepointe Dr.
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Canada Music Week Recital

CANADA MUSIC WEEK 2024 – ORMTA ORB Report (Mon.) Dec. 2, 2024
Our Canada Music Week Recital has always been, and continues to be a special, non- competitive event in the month of November, every year. This year, our Recital was held on (Sat.) Nov. 23, 2023: 2.30 pm, at Bethany Baptist Church, Ottawa.
There were 11 teachers of our Ottawa Region branch, who prepared 33 students, between the ages of 7 yrs. and 22 yrs.(mostly solo pianists, 1 Piano Duet, 2 Piano Trios, a couple of vocalists and 1 euphonium player) to perform works by 25 different Canadian composers, including Anita Schlarb, a member of our branch.
The Recital was off to a good start with “O Canada”, played by one of the piano performers, on his euphonium, with his teacher accompanying him on the piano, while all present joined heartily, in singing our national anthem in English, and then, in French.
The Program continued with elementary, intermediate and advanced level compositions, presented with much confidence and enthusiasm.
Midway through the Recital, a Canadian Composers’ Quiz was presented, with just 6 questions. There was much excitement about this, especially when the performers heard that there were prizes for those who had the correct answers. Five out of six questions were answered correctly. The students were each given a copy of the Quiz to take home, and to continue their research of those composers.
The entire Recital lasted for 75 minutes, after which the students were awarded special Canada Music Week certificates (special thanks to Tania Granata and Olivia Riddell), and a big cookie treat (made by Maria Lobo). Our President, Victor Avila, also helped out a great deal with the website, in the absence of the teacher who usually handled this portfolio.
Many thanks to several members of our ORB Council, who gave freely of their time, talents and experience, to audition students, to get the program typed up and printed, to format & print the certificates, to collect entrance fees, and to get a photographer, as well. Team work definitely helped to make this Recital an enjoyable event.
Respectfully submitted,
Maria Lobo
Canada Music Week Recital Convenor ORMTA – Ottawa Region Branch